Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Okay, so this kid's song about "Baby you 'da best" is totally contradicting by the looks of the video. All I saw were those big ass boobies floppin' all over the place and I knew the song had a different meaning to Drake. Which is sad because I judged him as an artist based on that song. The first time I heard that song I was in the shower and as soon as I got out of the shower I googled it and I played that shit out. But yeah since the video came out I just can't take the song seriously anymore:( I say they reshoot the video. Who agrees?

What's the deal with Lady GAGA being Christina Aguilera's twin?

Huh? Lady GaGa has some pretty catchy tunes (hums 'Just Dance!'), but I can't get past the fact that she has an uncanning resemblance to Christina Aguilara. Am I the only one? I tried bringing up to my boyfriend in the car in between singing "Lets play a love game!", but he just shrugged me off with a "Not really"=|. Anyways, I think they are twins. Well probably not, Christina has prettier eyes and Lady Gaga has messssseeedd up teeth. What do you think?